During the Medicaid application process, one of the tasks of the family members is to supply the documentation to support the application. People are oftentimes surprised by the amount of documentation necessary. Application packages may include up to five years of bank statements, stock and brokerage accounts statements, IRA’s and other qualified account statements, mortgages, insurance policies, annuities, funeral and/or burial information, mortgages, etc., etc, etc…
Family members who are assisting elderly relatives can help them tremendously and ease the burden of the application process by familiarizing themselves with their parent’s financial affairs “now” so when it is necessary to supply documentation, they can readily find what they need.
The decision, or in some cases necessity, to place someone in a Long Term Care facility is never an easy one. The decision has usually been preceded by many nights of little or no sleep and many days full of Doctors, nurses, care planners and social workers talking with you about topics that are likely to be brand new. Helping to get financial information organized ahead of time can be a huge relief when the time comes.